Monday, March 9, 2015

Two Issues about The Buff Icons and Interface

As the new patch of the Diablo 3 items, there are a lot of cool new legendary items providing, and one thing we have noticed while testing them on the PTR is that many of them have a buff icon that shows over the belt interface. Such buff icons are a useful visual clue, but they’re really small to derive info from out of the corner of your eye, and not enough can show at once.

The issue which is to small to see clearly is coming up with the Blizzcon Elemental Ring, since its belt icon shows which element is currently getting the 200% buff, and that’s something a player needs to know so they can synchronize the appropriate elemental attack. It looks clear in the thumbnail there, but when it’s just another tiny box near the belt and game visuals are flying.

The other issue is inadequate display space for all the buffs your character is enjoying, and that’s a complaint that’s heard more and more often. It was an issue back in 2012 when only five icons could show, but thankfully the space/number was increased before Reaper of Souls. It’s become inadequate again as more and more cool legendary items add their own buff icons.

By the way, to buy diablo 3 items is still available on our website.


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