Thursday, March 5, 2015

2000% Legendary Drop Rate is Over

Although there was not any warn given on the PTR, Blizzard has not made any announcement either. For the new patch, the buff icon is no longer displaying in game of diablo 3 items, and the players will not saw the effect in the real time.

Some players found that had actually just begun a T6 Rift when the buff ended, and will see the first few pick ups were legendary, when suddenly all the Elites and chests weren’t popping legs anymore. It is possible to obtain blue materials now. One side effect of the +2000% legendary buff was that blue items became almost nonexistent, since goblins hardly drop them, and all the magical items that usually spawn from chests were rolling as legendaries. Since Enchanting armor and weapons carries a high blue material cost, this was handcuffing players in their efforts to experiment with the new sets, or change around their builds. Since some existing PTR chars had great gear, but no way to enchant anything without any blue materials dropping. And with the +2000% buff, it was actually quicker to refarm all of the legendary D3 items than it was to try to scrounge up blue mats with the buff active, primarily by praying for failed gambles or Infernal Hoarders.

Currently, still not any official word on this, Blizzard might turn the +2000% buff back on again during this PTR.


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