Tuesday, March 10, 2015

PTR Performance Issues of Diablo 3 New Patch Has Solved

Many players may have the same problem when playing the new patch of Diablo 3 items: the big machine performance hits most players, with the frame rate much slower than they see it on the Live game. Slower just walking around town, and much slower during combat. FPS has been going to 1 (or less) during big combat scenes, especially in multi-player games, and it’s made testing difficult. Not just less fun, but it’s been literally impossible to use builds that require a lot of precise aiming and movement, since that can’t be done at slide show frame rates.

But Blizzard entertainment has made the Blue Post as below:

A minor patch has been deployed to the PTR to address performance issues that some of you may have been experiencing.

In the past, we would typically delay such minor patches and instead package them together with other pending changes. However, as a result of our conversion to the new CASC file type, we’re able to more quickly push smaller, surgical patches to address specific critical performance issues like this. Please note that, unlike typical patches, this one will be much smaller and does not contain content changes, such as tweaks or adjustments to classes and sets. The patch notes have not been updated as a result.

The PTR will enter a short maintenance as a result of this patch. We don’t have an ETA to provide at this time for when it will be available, but keep an eye on this post and we’ll let you know once this maintenance has been completed.

We will be having additional patches later in the PTR cycle, and we’ll keep you informed as those draw closer. Thank you, as always, for your diligence in reporting these issues and your active participation in our 2.2.0 PTR!

Many players has tested the game and found the issue been solved. Feel free to go try it and see. By the way, it is available to buy Diablo 3 items on our website.


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