Monday, April 27, 2015

The Easter Egg in Patch 2.2 of Diablo 3

We have introduced the new updates for diablo 3 before, have you experienced these new features on the PTR, if not, you can test them and provide your thoughts for Blizzard official site. Here we would like to share the Easter Egg in patch 2.2. And if you want to buy diablo 3 items, free free to check on our site.
One of the best of the new bounties in Patch 2.2 is The Queen’s Dessert, which appears in the Caverns of Araneae in Act One. Prior to this patch that was everyone’s least favorite area, since the bounty there was usually to kill Queen Araneae, and it could take a long time to find her boss area. We haven’t seen the Queen Araneae bounty yet in Season 3.

The Queen’s Dessert requires you to find six large cocoons, each protected by a dozen or so large spiders. Once you kill all the protectors you can click the cocoon and after a second it pops open, allowing you to finish that sixth of the bounty. Once you clear all six cocoons the bounty is completed, and since they show up on the map from a fair distance away, they’re pretty easy to track down quickly.

Some players find that there is a cow man when reached the last cocoons, it will show in the screen below, and was just a normal size cow. This is the Easter Egg: The Secret Cow Bounty. They can only appear in a few special locations, and only if you trigger them simultaneous to hitting max level.

Have you noticed about this Easter Egg, what do you think of it? Welcome to share with us. By the way, diablo 3 items are available on our site. Feel free to check if you need!

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