Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Beta Version: Evaluation From A Professional Player

With the new combination of rifts and bounties, Diablo 3 has never been more subtle regarding its repetitive nature. Playing Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls, you will come across the new ‘Loot 2.0’ system which hands you a lot of positive reinforcement in a silver platter. And are you ready to get more great D3 Items? Getting hold of this loot, you can easily change the way you play within an instant.
The Beta version of Reaper of Soulshas quite a few problems in it and is bound to face some constructive criticism. Many things like elite affix changes, stat involving returningcrushing blow and various items/class balances take away a lot more than they actually give. There is no release date in sight and Blizzard has a lot of time to nip out the various issues and provide gamers with the Diablo Experience we solely desire.

The most noteworthy difference between Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls is the combination of the Loot 2.0 system and the removal of the Auction House. Even Trading also has a lot of restrictions put into place. The loot is only tradable for the players who were present during the time of the drop. Buy Diablo 3 Items from us, we have them on sale for Christmas!


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