Friday, September 12, 2014

D3: About Cross Platform Questions

A player asked that if there is anyway he can play his characters with his friends without buying an xbox one. Support Forum Agent Araxom answered his question in the forum. If you can the same question, why don’t refer to the suggestion below? Of course, you also should not miss the D3 items sale here.

"Eventually, you'll log into your own XBL profile through your friend's Xbox One. Diablo III only accesses one running save profile per account, and when that file is imported it will affect your own XBL account and not your friend's.

When it was time to export the save file, you'd first proceed through the steps listed here. Please refer to the 'PS3 to PS4, Xbox 360 to Xbox One' section.

This info from my previous post may help clarify some of the other details regarding online access requirements:

PS4/Xbox One – If a user with an online console subscription has made their console their Primary PS4 or Home XboxOne, then anyone playing on that console can play online without having subscriptions, but they must be signed in to an SEN or XBL account. In this case, the user with the subscription does not need to be signed in or playing. If no user with a subscription has set the console as their Primary PS4 or Home Xbox One, then all players will need a subscription.

As a general precaution, I would also recommend that players regularly back their save up either online or to USB."
It is quite wise of you to buy Diablo 3 items here, Hope you can enjoy your game!


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