Thursday, November 27, 2014

Diablo 3 Patch 2.1: About Bane of the Trapped notWorking for Sunwuko Set Clones

Some gamers asked if the bug caused Bane of the Trapped not working for Sunwuko set clones has been fixed since patch 2.1 PTR released in august. Quality Assurance Tsarnis replied that the issue has been solved. Buy Diablo 3 items from the best site! Read the details on the official forum from the Tsarnis:

"We have a fix in place in the current live 2.1.2 PTR build that should have resolved this. Additionally, we've revisited this today on our newest internal 2.1.2 test build, and our testing shows that enemies affected by Bane of the Trapped are in fact taking an appropriate amount of extra damage from clones created by the Sunwuko's set bonus procs.

Thanks for asking about this, and I hope this clears things up. If you are still experiencing issues with the Sunwuko's Set, please feel free to reply with a detailed description of any problems that you are seeing, and we will take another look."

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